High School Football Game Of The Week

To listen to a game being broadcast LIVE, click >>HERE<< .  To listen to archived broadcasts, scroll down and select the pre-recorded show. Live broadcasts begin at 6:30 p.m. on game day.

Thanks to our radio broadcast partners:


Week One:  Rashad McKee – QB Wayne Warriors

Week Two:  Justin Golson – WR Northmont Thunderbolts

Week Three:  Keon’tae Huguely – QB Trotwood Rams

Week Four:  Raheim Moss – QB Springfield Wildcats

Week Five:  Jesse Deglow – RB Fairmont Firebirds

Week Six:  Devin Nelson – RB Wayne Warriors

Week Seven: Jestin Jacobs – LB/RB Northmont Thunderbolts

Week Eight:  Justin Golson – WR Northmont Thunderbolts

Week Nine:  Michael Brown-Stephens (Springfield)

Week Ten:  Devin Nelson (Wayne)